Homeowner Information
All repairs are free for homeowners. Labor and supplies are usually donated or sponsored by local businesses and corporations, community groups, and individuals.
Repair work is done by volunteers on the annual Workday and urgent safety needs are considered throughout the year. We are more than happy to answer your questions. Simply contact us by phone or email.
The Sebastopol area residence must show proof of occupancy, and the household must qualify as low-income seniors, disabled, or families with dependent children. Veterans are encouraged to apply.
Review and Selection Process
After receipt and initial review of applications, appointments may be scheduled by a member of the Rebuilding Together Sebastopol Board and/or a skilled tradesperson to visit the residence to review eligibility criteria and the scope of work requested.
During the selection process there may be homes that have no heat, a leaky roof, or other problems that are too crucial to wait until our next scheduled Workday. Our program allows us to address these issues on a case-by-case basis and make repairs throughout the year if needed.
Project Application
Homeowners complete an Application Form that is reviewed by the Rebuilding Together Sebastopol Board of Directors. All information is kept strictly confidential. We will mail you an application to fill out and return, or you can download using the link below.
Donations needed for home repairs